
Ellesmere Port Snooker League Rules (AGM 2017)
General Match play rules

All match formats shall be decided by the executive committee
a)      All games of snooker played to W.P.B.S.A. rules as set out in the latest rule book revised November 2014, it has been decided that the ‘miss rule’ is not to be played (section 3 rule 14).

b)      All league matches are to be played on the date & time specified unless a one week’s notice has been provided to the committee.  Or in exceptional circumstances.

c)      All non-league cup matches including team, singles and doubles should be played on the date & time specified unless an agreed alternative date and time has been mutually agreed.  A notification should be communicated to the team captains for notification to the league officers.

d)      If the match has not been played before the next scheduled round, then the team, player or players who requested the alternative date will be deemed as to have forfeited the match.  But for exceptional circumstances being notified to a league official.

e)      All matches should start at 7.30pm, except at one table clubs, where matches will start at 7.00pm.  One frame may be claimed if the opposing team arrive more than 15 minutes late, a second frame, if more than 30 minutes late.

f)       League matches must not be cancelled due to fielding less than six players in the six player format or four players in a four singles and two doubles format.

g)      In all league and cup competitions, the visiting captain will nominate the first player.  On neutral venues captains will toss a coin for home advantage.

h)      Ideally both teams should have six players present for the start of the game, In any event for a six player individual league match, three players must be present at that time. If the home team does not have three players present at the start time, then the captain of the away team may request the home team nominate their players

i)        A team may field a minimum of three players.

j)        The results of all matches shall be notified to the league officers within three days of the match being played by the home team and by the match winner, failure to notify the officers within the three days will result in the game being counted as a void match.

k)      All members will be assigned to a team.

l)        All teams are required to pay an annual membership fee to the Ellesmere Port Snooker League, which will be used for the purchase and the engraving of trophies and any administration fees as set at executive meetings.

a)      Only players registered with the league will be eligible to play in any team or individual competition.

b)      Players registered before the start of the season are eligible to play in all games. New registrations will be accepted through the season. Players will be able to play as soon as they are registered.

c)      Players shall be registered for a team (rather than a club)

d)      No new registrations will be allowed if only four matches remain in the season.

a)      Any player may transfer to another team having first informed the secretary. No transfer’s will be allowed when only four league matches remain in the season.

a)      Every player of their supporter visiting club is at all times subject to the rules of that club.

b)      Complaints about a players conduct must be referred as soon as possible to an officer of the committee and raised at the next executive committee meeting.  Players concerned will be entitled to appear before the executive committee before any final decision is made.

c)      The inappropriate use of community websites to post any offensive text to a player or team, including any foul language will not be tolerated and will result in the text being removed, the matter will then be raised at the next executive committee meeting.  The offender will be disciplined ranging from a warning to the expulsion from the EPSL.

Player handicap system
a)      All players will be provided with a handicap which is subject to change or review by either the handicap secretary or by the executive committee.

b)      The player handicap system will be from plus 25 to minus 25.

c)      The maximum awarded points for a singles game will be no greater than 45.

d)      The maximum points awarded for a doubles game will be no greater than 45.

e)      For doubles games, per frame, both player handicaps of the same team shall be added together the sum of the combined score shall be halved (positive numbers shall be round up and negative numbers rounded down).

f)       Team A players -15 & -10 = -25 (divided by 2 = -12.5, rounded down to -12) Team B players are 5 & 5 = 10 points (divided by 2 = 5) therefore the difference between +5 and -12 = -17 and this is the starting handicap for the frame. Doubles and competitions will not affect a players handicaps, but they must be played from the handicap they have at the time of the match.

Win a game your handicap goes down by -1

Lose a game and your handicap goes up by +1

Handicaps only change when +/- reaches 5

If a -25 handicap player keeps winning, his handicap stays as -25,0 and when he loses his first frame his handicap goes to -25 +1. The same applies to a +25 player, losing and your handicap stays at +25,0 win a game and your handicap goes to +25 -1. This applies only in league singles matches.

The points system will be decided at the executive meetings either a point a frame or two points for a win. One point for a draw. One point for the total combined aggregate score.


Winter Format
a)      General. Matches will be played by teams of six players. Each team will play a minimum of every team at home and away possibly twice during the season. Fixtures will be arranged by the committee officers.  Fixtures must be played on the dates given unless unavoidable conditions make play impossible.

Summer Format
a)      General.  Matches will be played by teams of six players.  Each team will play a minimum of every team at home and away possibly twice during a season. Fixtures will be arranged by the committee officers.  Fixtures must be played on the dates given unless unavoidable conditions make play impossible.

b)      A team may consist of as few as three players.

c)      Due to a small number of players needed to make up a team (three) rearranged matches are not allowed.  Unless in extenuating circumstances.

d)      If a team cannot table three players, then they must concede the match and all points are awarded to the team that can table at least three players.

e)      If both teams can only table three players then three singles and one doubles will decide the outcome.

f)       If both teams cannot table at least three players the match is null and void and no points awarded to either team.

Club knock out competitions
a)      All teams in the league will be entered in a Knock-out cup for the summer and winter.

b)      Finals will be played at a neutral venue.  The captains will toss for the first choice of players at these matches.

c)      In all other matters, the rules as for league matches will apply.

Individual & Doubles competitions
a)      The league will organise individual competitions for a match who uses the handicap and a match which is not handicapped, providing sufficient numbers of players inform the executive committee of their intention to compete.

b)      Players may enter any of these competitions subject to paying the entry fee decided at the executive meeting.

c)      Finals will be arranged at a date and time specified by the committee officers. They will take place at a neutral venue. A player who is not available on that date will forfeit the match. Unless under extenuating circumstances arise and notified to a committee member.

d)      If in doubles games with aggregate over two frames both players handicaps of the same team shall be added together the sum of the combined score shall be set as the handicap on the first game, the second game shall start with the aggregate score from the first game. Team A -15 & -10 = -25 points Team B are 5 & 5 = 10 points therefore -25 & -10 equates to 35 points start over two frames.

Further proposals for rules
1)      No team shall have more than 15 players signed on and have a minimum of 6 players signed on.

2)      The rules state that all competitions will be played with the same format throughout including the finals. This has caused some confusion as members think they should be played best of three.  This needs to be sorted out.  The latest constitution says that whatever the format comps start should be used throughout and including the finals (Rule 21 b)

3)      FORTY POINTS CAP.  Having a maximum of 40 points start in a frame is not fair.  Why should a +25 player have to lose 10 points to a -25 player.  A lot has been said about reaching -25 and it’s a badge of honour.  Well being reduced to +25 is not a badge of honour, but it does reflect the players ability.  So why suddenly make him +15, this is not his handicap.  I have made a study of the latest 20 games that have imposed a 40 point cap to the handicaps and this has shown that if true handicaps had been only one of the game results would have been reversed from a win for the lower handicap player to a draw.

Therefore the 40 point handicap rule is abolished.

Phil Faiclough.